Mars PLM for SAP

Empower SAP PLM business process

Are you looking for a solution to the digital transformation of your company?

Fourteen TEC has hit the opportunities of Industry 4.0 and, for over ten years, help customers in the challenge of digital transformation and integration of all business processes.
With Fourteen TEC you can explore new opportunities for optimization and digitization.

Companies can optimize their Product Lifecycle Management, by implement efficiency over design, manufacturing, production, market launch phases and improve the product quality, manage efficiently the production of a configurable product.


Mars PLM for digital transformation and integration of all business processes.

Fourteen TEC offers you consulting for SAP ECTR, SAP PLM, and SAP PPM, but with the integration of the Mars PLM tool, enable your company to always have information in an integrated and aligned way between the departments of design, manufacturing and production, sales and marketing, and service.

Mars AI avoids the creation of document duplicates and allows you to search and reuse already designed components.
More streamlined and faster PLM, information available, minimizing the costs of development and change management, an innovative industry 4.0 based approach.

“What is Mars PLM for SAP?”

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